If you would like to donate to help fund our center here is some needed information:
Gigi's Playhouse organization is a 501(c)3. All donations are tax deductible.
There are several ways that you can donate:
1. Through our website: http://gigisplayhouse.org/locations-in-the-works (make sure to click on the Gainesville, Fl location). The website accepts all forms of payment including credit cards.
2. Through our P.O Box address where you can send cash, checks, and money orders:
P.O Box 453
Williston, Fl. 32696
( Please make all checks and money orders payable to: Gigi's Playhouse. Be sure to put Gainesville, Fl in the memo field, so our location gets the donation).
When making your donation, whether through the web address or through our Po Box address be sure to include the following:
1. Name
2. Mailing address
3. Email address
4. Phone #
5. Donation amount
We ask that you include this information for several reasons:
1. To send you the proper tax form needed for your donation
2. To add you to our mailing address( you can elect to not be added if you prefer)
3. To give you credit and a proper thank you for helping fund our Gainesville center.
Your donation in any amount helps us keep all our programs FREE!! In advance we appreciate your donation!
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