Sunday, March 9, 2014

How's it going??

Hey everybody! Just wanted to do an update post of what's been going on. We had the spring festival last Saturday and it went amazing. We connected with 3 families that had members with Down syndrome and we exchanged information with lots of other agency's and organizations. Overall it was a huge success, we shared our name and information with lots of people and received a lot of potential opportunities. That same Saturday we also had our bake sale/ yard sale, which our committee member Shelia headed and she was able to raise 1200.00!!! So that was a HUGE event and very successful, we plan on making that an annual event for Gigi's Playhouse Gainesville. Speaking of committee members, we have a new one! We will be putting her information up soon.  We are currently working on some other events and projects to fundraise and spread the word, as soon as we have all the details together, I will post all the information so you can get involved! Well that is all for now folks, but as always keep spreading the word and keep coming back! 

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